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Everything posted by Evi

  1. Przede wszystkim cały album Imaginaerum jest jedną historią. Taikatalvi jest pięknym wstępem do dłuższej opowieści. Przynajmniej ja go tak traktuję. Odnosząc się trochę szerzej, biorąc pod uwagę również ekranizację albumu (bo chyba tak należy traktować film) - wszystko zaczyna się od zimy. Często pory roku kojarzą nam się również z wiekiem osób. Początkiem życia jest wiosna, starość jest jesienią życia, a zima... Zimą nadchodzi kres naszego istnienia. Tutaj dochodzi jeszcze odniesienie do Zimy Muminków, o której wspomniała Tai w swoim poście. Myślę, że ma to związek z podróżą naszego głównego bohatera w świat własnej świadomości, w ten dziecięcy świat. Tak więc mamy zimę jako odniesienie do lat dziecięcych, ale również zimę jako kres życia. I w tej zimie swego życia bohater przenosi się do zimy z dziecięcych wspomnień. Do magicznej krainy. Chce przeżyć swoje życie jeszcze raz. Ponoć przed śmiercią całe życie przelatuje nam przed oczami... Może to właśnie jest Magia Zimy? Potrafimy cofnąć się w czasie, przypomnieć sobie, zdajemy sobie sprawę z własnych błędów, mamy szansę jeszcze raz przeanalizować swoje życie, choć już nie mamy szansy go zmienić. Przynajmniej mamy szansę je zrozumieć. Ostatnie chwile życia spędzić we własnej świadomości, próbując zrozumieć, przypomnieć sobie. Ostatni wers traktuję jako wyrażenie nadziei na życie po śmierci... Zdaję sobie sprawę, że moje interpretacje nie są najlepsze, bo dużo czuję zamiast rozumieć. Ale fajnie jest się czasami takimi przemyśleniami podzielić z innymi.
  2. Evi


    Za granicą nie miałam większych problemów ze znalezieniem pracy. To mój własny kraj chce mnie wyeliminować ze społeczeństwa.
  3. Evi

    Co teraz czytamy?

    Nie mówię, że nie, bo sama lubię Dziady, Wesele, Anię z Zielonego Wzgórza... Po prostu zdecydowana większość lektur mi się nie podobała. I sposób ich omawiania był tragiczny. Nie można nawet samemu próbować wyciągnąć wnioski, bo jeżeli nie zgadza się to z "kluczem" to jest błędne... BTW Mistrz i Małgorzata jest teraz lekturą?
  4. [align=center]"Heart Asks Pleasure First" Silent night surrounding me On the shore of wistful sea A kindest heart made me believe The world as I wish it to be Wind in the wheat Kiss by a hearth Little hideaways for a lonely heart Cast away in beauty’s gloom The good in me the child within A cruelest heart made me forget The world as I wish it to be Home inside but lost for life Human heart longing for love Slave to the toil this mortal coil The strife the suffering the void Wind in the wheat Kiss by a hearth A dead calm winter morn Morning birds and a smile of a stranger Frozen moments in time Little hideaways, the marrow of life Little hideaways for a lonely heart Wind in the wheat Kiss by a hearth Little hideaways for a lonely heart Silent night surrounding me On the shore of wistful sea A kindest heart made me believe The world as I wish it to be [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  5. [align=center]"Song Of Myself" I. From A Dusty Bookshelf II. All That Great Heart Lying Still The nightingale is still locked in the cage The deep breath I took still poisons my lungs An old oak sheltering me from the blue Sun bathing on its dead frozen leaves A catnap in the ghost town of my heart She dreams of storytime and the river ghosts Of mermaids, of Whitman`s and the Ride Raving harlequins, gigantic toys A song of me a song in need Of a courageous symphony A verse of me a verse in need Of a pure-heart singing me to peace All that great heart lying still and slowly dying All that great heart lying still on an angelwing All that great heart lying still In silent suffering Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end What is left for encore Is the same old Dead Boy`s song Sung in silence All that great heart lying still and slowly dying All that great heart lying still on an angelwing A midnight flight into Covington Woods A princess and a panther by my side These are Territories I live for I`d still give my everything to love you more (repeat br.+ch.) III. Piano Black A silent symphony A hollow opus #1,2,3 Sometimes the sky is piano black Piano black over cleansing waters Resting pipes, verse of bore Rusting keys without a door Sometimes the within is piano black Piano black over cleansing waters All that great heart lying still and slowly dying All that great heart lying still on an angelwing IV. Love I see a slow, simple youngster by a busy street, with a begging bowl in his shaking hand. Trying to smile but hurting infinitely. Nobody notices. I do, but walk by. An old man gets naked and kisses a model-doll in his attic. It`s half-light and he`s in tears. When he finally comes his eyes are cascading. I see a beaten dog in a pungent alley. He tries to bite me. All pride has left his wild drooling eyes. I wish I had my leg to spare. A mother visits her son, smiles to him through the bars. She`s never loved him more. An obese girl enters an elevator with me. All dressed up fancy, a green butterfly on her neck. Terribly sweet perfume deafens me. She`s going to dinner alone. That makes her even more beautiful. I see a model`s face on a brick wall. A statue of porcelain perfection beside a violent city kill. A city that worships flesh. The 1st thing I ever heard was a wandering man telling his story It was you, the grass under my bare feet The campfire in the dead of the night The heavenly black of sky and sea It was us Roaming the rainy roads, combing the gilded beaches Waking up to a new gallery of wonders every morn Bathing in places no-one`s seen before Shipwrecked on some matt-painted island Clad in nothing but the surf – beauty`s finest robe Beyond all mortality we are, swinging in the breath of nature In early air of the dawn of life A sight to silence the heavens I want to travel where life travels, following its permanent lead Where the air tastes like snow music Where grass smells like fresh-born Eden I would pass no man, no stranger, no tragedy or rapture I would bathe in a world of sensation Love, Goodness, and Simplicity ( While violated and imprisoned by technology ) The thought of my family`s graves was the only moment I used to experience true love That love remains infinite, as I`ll never be the man my father is How can you „just be yourself” when you don`t know who you are? Stop saying „I know how you feel” How could anyone know how another feels? Who am I to judge a priest, beggar, whore, politician, wrongdoer? I am, you are, all of them already Dear child, stop working, go play Forget every rule There`s no fear in a dream Is there a village inside this snowflake? - a child asked me What`s the color of our lullaby? I`ve never been so close to truth as then I touched its silver lining Death is the winner in any war Nothing noble in dying for your religion For your country For ideology, for faith For another man, yes Paper is dead without words Ink idle without a poem All the world dead without stories Without love and disarming beauty Careless realism costs souls Ever seen the Lord smile? All the care for the world made Beautiful a sad man? Why do we still carry a device of torture around our necks? Oh, how rotten your pre-apocalypse is All you bible-black fools living over nightmare ground I see all those empty cradles and wonder If man will ever change I, too, wish to be a decent manboy but all I am Is smoke and mirrors Still given everything, may I be deserving And there forever remains that change from G to Em [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  6. [align=center]"Last Ride Of The Day" We live in every moment but this one Why don`t we recognize the faces loving us so What`s God if not the spark that started life Smile of a stranger Sweet music, starry skies Wonder, mystery, wherever my road goes Early wake-ups in a moving home Scent of fresh-mown grass in the morning sun Open theme park gates waiting for Riding the day, every day into sunset Finding the way back home Once upon a night we`ll wake to the carnival of life The beauty of this ride ahead such an incredible high It`s hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead This moment the dawn of humanity The last ride of the day Wake up, Dead Boy Enter adventureland Tricksters, magicians will show you all that´s real Careless jugglers, snakecharmers by your trail Magic of a moment Abracadabra [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  7. [align=center]"The Crow, The Owl And The Dove" A crow flew to me Kept its distance Such a proud creation I saw its soul, envied its pride But needed nothing it had An owl came to me Old and wise Pierced right through my youth I learned its ways, envied its sense But needed nothing it had Don`t give me love Don`t give me faith Wisdom nor pride Give innocence instead Don`t give me love I`ve had my share Beauty nor rest Give me truth instead A dove came to me Had no fear It rested on my arm I touched its calm, envied its love But needed nothing it had (repeat ch.) A swan of white she came to me The lake mirrored her beauty sweet I kissed her neck, adored her grace But needed nothing she could give Gar tuht river Ger te rheged (repeat ch.) [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  8. [align=center]"Rest Calm" I went to die in a seaside hotel Lanes of memory paved by sweet frozen moments Deathbed memories of home Never let me go Every little memory resting calm in me Resting in a dream Smiling back at me The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home To caress the river with awe Within there`s every little memory resting calm with me Resting in a dream Smiling back at me The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home Rest calm and remember me You are the moon pulling my black waters You are the land in my dark closet Stay by my side until it all goes dark forever When silent the silence comes closer [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  9. [align=center]"Turn Loose The Mermaids" A kite above a graveyard grey At the end of the line far far away A child holding on to the magic of birth and awe Oh, how beautiful it used to be Just you and me far beyond the sea The waters, scarce in motion Quivering still At the end of the river the sundown beams All the relics of a life long lived Here, weary traveller rest your wand Sleep the journey from your eyes Good journey, love, time to go I checked your teeth and warmed your toes In the horizon I see them coming for you The mermaid grace, the forever call Beauty in spyglass on an old man`s porch The mermaids you turned loose brought back your tears [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  10. [align=center]"Scaretale" Once upon a time in a daymare Dying to meet you, little child, enter enter this sideshow Time for bed the cradle still rocks 13 chimes on a dead man`s clock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock The bride will lure you, cook you, eat you Your dear innocence boiled to feed the evil in need of fear Burning farms and squealing pigs A pool of snakes to swim with, oh sweet poison bite me bite me ” Ladies and gentlemen Be heartlessly welcome! To Cirque De Morgue And what a show we have for you tonight! „ Restless souls will put on their dancing shoes Mindless ghouls with lot of limbs to lose Illusionists, contortionist, Tightrope – walkers tightening the noose Horde of spiders, closet tentacles Laughing harpies with their talons ripping, sher-chrisss, per-vizzz The pendulum still sways for you Such are the darks here to show you, child in a corner, fallen mirrors, all kingdom in cinders [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  11. [align=center]"I Want My Tears Back" I want my tears back The treetops, the chimneys, the snowbed stories, winter grey Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly`s wings Where is the wonder where`s the awe Where`s dear Alice knocking on the door Where`s the trapdoor that takes me there Where the real is shattered by a Mad March Hare Where is the wonder where`s the awe Where are the sleepless nights I used to live for Before the years take me I wish to see The lost in me I want my tears back I want my tears back now A ballet on a grove, still growing young all alone A rag doll, a best friend, the voice of Mary Costa [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  12. [align=center]"Slow, Love, Slow" Come and share this painting with me Unveiling of me, the magician that never failed This deep sigh coiled around my chest Intoxicated by a major chord I wonder Do I love you or the thought of you? Slow, love, slow Only the weak are not lonely Southern blue, morning dew Let-down-your-guards, I-love-you`s Ice-cream castles, lips-to-ear rhymes A slumber deeper than time Slow, love, slow Only the weak are not lonely [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  13. [align=center]"Ghost River" It`s a long road down the river deep `n wild Every twist and turn a wonder-dale It`s a scary ride we`d give anything to take Let yourself bleed Leave a footprint on every island you see Hey you, child of rape, the riverbed awaits Snow white, pitch-black, your life such strife Heavenward, deep down, I`ll show you such sights Believe it, we live as we dream / scream „He will go down he will drown drown, deeper down The river wild will take your only child He will go down he will drown drown deeper down The mills grind slow in a riverbed ghost town He will go down he will drown drown, deeper down If you want me, then do come across” What is it you dream of, child of mine? The magic ride, the mermaid cove? Never met a kinder heart than yours Let it bleed Leave a footprint on every island you see „I am the painted faces, the toxic kiss Sowing of doubt, troll beneath the bridge Come across Death by a thousand cuts Believe it, we live as we dream / scream” (Repeat ch.) „I am the desert-scape, the sand inside your hourglass I am the fear and abuse, the leper children Every eye sewn shut” „We will go down we will drown drown, deeper down The river wild will be our last ride We will go down we will drown drown, deeper down The mills grind slow in a riverbed ghost town” Beautifully shy as you are Never lose your heart And do come across [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  14. [align=center]"Storytime" `Twas the night before When all through the world No words, no dreams, then one day A writer by a fire Imagined all Gaia Took a journey into a child-man`s heart A painter on the shore Imagined all the world Within a snowflake on his palm Unframed by poetry A canvas of awe Planet Earth falling back into the stars I am the voice of Never-Never-Land The innocence, the dreams of every man I am the empty crib of Peter Pan A silent kite against the blue, blue sky Every chimney, every moonlit sight I am the story that will read you real Every memory that you hold dear I am the journey I am the destination I am the home The tale that reads you A way to taste the night The elusive high Follow the madness Alice, you know once did Imaginarium A dream emporium Caress the tales And they will dream you real A storyteller`s game Lips that intoxicate The core of all life is a limitless chest of tales I am the voice of Never-Never-Land The innocence, the dreams of every man I am the empty crib of Peter Pan A silent kite against the blue, blue sky Every chimney, every moonlit sight I am the story that will read you real Every memory that you hold dear I am the voice of Never-Never-Land The innocence, the dreams of every man Searching heavens for another Earth Never-Land, innocence, dream of every man Never-Land, innocence, every man, Peter Pan [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  15. [align=center]"Taikatalvi" Lapsistain rakkain tää näyttämö on Mis kuutamo kujillaan kulkee Taipunut havu, kesä hoivassa sen Valkomeren niin aavan Joka aavekuun siivin Saapuu mut kotiin noutamaan Päällä talvisen maan hetki kuin ikuisuus Mi pienen kissan jaloin luokseni hiipii Tääl tarinain lähteellä asua saan mis Viulu valtavan kaihon Ikisäveltään maalaa Laulullaan herättää maan [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  16. [align=center]"While Your Lips Are Still Red" Sweet little words made for silence Not talk Young heart for love Not heartache Dark hair for catching the wind Not to veil the sight of a cold world Kiss while your lips are still red While he`s still silent Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled Hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool Drown into eyes while they`re still blind Love while the night still hides the withering dawn First day of love never comes back A passionate hour`s never a wasted one The violin, the poet`s hand, Every thawing heart plays your theme with care Kiss while your lips are still red While he`s still silent Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled Hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool Drown into eyes while they`re still blind Love while the night still hides the withering dawn [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  17. [align=center]"Erämaan Viimeinen" Nukkuu korpi, ja nyt, aatoksissain minä matkaa teen Yli metsien, uinuvan veen Kuutar taivaan yön valaisee Maalaa maiseman, pohjoisen siimeksen Unta onko tää, Vai kuolema jossa palata sinne saan missä hiillos jo luovuttaa lumen alla Kun astun maailmaan, erämaan aikaan Ensilumi satoi kahdesti Maalasi sieluni taulun Tää jylhä kauneus ja ääretön yksinäisyys Lapsuuteni metsän, taivaan Kaikuu se haikeus halki tän matkan Aamun tullen yö tarinansa kertoo Jylhä on kauneus ja ääretön yksinäisyyteni Sitä henkeensä halajaa Kehtoni hauta, hautani paikka Erämaan viimeinen on Minne katosivat muut Suon noidat, neidontornit Ja varjoissa havisevat puut Kielon istutin ikihankeen Ja hiljaisuuden tultua luotin tulevaan Ensilumi satoi kahdesti Maalasi sieluni taulun Tää jylhä kauneus ja ääretön yksinäisyys Lapsuuteni metsän, taivaan Kaikuu se haikeus halki tän matkan Aamun tullen yö tarinansa kertoo Jylhä on kauneus ja ääretön yksinäisyyteni Sitä henkeensä halajaa Kehtoni hauta, hautani paikka Erämaan viimeinen on [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  18. [align=center]"Escapist" Who’s there knocking at my window? The Owl and the Dead Boy This night whispers my name All the dying children Virgin snow beneath my feet Painting the world in white I tread the way and lose myself into a tale Come hell or high water My search will go on Clayborn Voyage without an end A nightingale in a golden cage That’s me locked inside reality’s maze Come someone make my heavy heart light Come undone bring me back to life It all starts with a lullaby Journey homeward bound A sound of a dolphin calling Tearing off the mask of man The Tower my sole guide This is who I am Escapist, paradise seeker Farewell now time to fly Out of sight, out of time, away from all lies A nightingale in a golden cage That’s me locked inside reality’s maze Come someone make my heavy heart light Come undone bring me back to life It all starts with a lullaby [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  19. [align=center]"Meadows Of Heaven" I close my eyes The lantern dies The scent of awakening Wildhoney and dew Childhood games Woods and lakes Streams of silver Toys of olden days Meadows of heaven The flowers of wonder And the hidden treasures In the meadow of life My acre of heaven A 5-year-old winterheart In a place called home Sailing the waves of past Meadows of heaven Rocking chair without a dreamer A wooden swing without laughter Sandbox without toy soldiers Yuletide without the Flight Dreambound for life Flowers wither, treasures stay hidden Until I see the 1st star of fall I fall asleep And see it all: Mother’s care And color of the kites Meadows of heaven [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  20. [align=center]"7 Days To The Wolves" The wolves, my love, will come Taking us home where dust once was a man Is there Life before a Death? Do we long too much and never let in? Howl 7 days to the wolves Where will we be when they come 7 days to the poison And a place in heaven Time drawing near as they come to take us This is my church of choice Love’s strength standeth in love’s sacrifice For the rest, I have to say to you I will dream like the God And suffer like all the dead children Howl 7 days to the wolves Where will we be when they come 7 days to the poison And a place in heaven Time drawing near as they come to take us This is Where heroes And cowards Part ways Light the fire, feast Chase the ghost, give in Take the road less traveled by Leave the city of fools Turn every poet loose [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  21. [align=center]"The Islander" An old man by a seashore At the end of day Gazes the horizon With seawinds in his face Tempest-tossed island Seasons all the same Anchorage unpainted And a ship without a name Sea without a shore for the banished one unheard He lightens the beacon, light at the end of world Showing the way lighting hope in their hearts The ones on their travels homeward from afar This is for long-forgotten Light at the end of the world Horizon crying The tears he left behind long ago The albatross is flying Making him daydream The time before he became One of the world’s unseen Princess in the tower Children in the fields Life gave him it all: An island of the universe Now his love’s a memory A ghost in the fog He sets the sails one last time Saying farewell to the world Anchor to the water Seabed far below Grass still in his feet And a smile beneath his brow This is for long-forgotten Light at the end of the world Horizon crying The tears he left behind so long ago [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  22. [align=center]"For The Heart I Once Had" Heaven today is but a way To a place I once called home Heart of a child, one final sigh As another love goes cold Once my heart beat to the rhythm of the falling snow Blackened below, the river now flows A stream of molten virgin snow For the heart I’ll never have For the child forever gone The music flows, because it longs For the heart I once had Living today without a way To understand the weight of the world Faded and torn, old and forlorn My weak and hoping heart For the child, for the light For the heart I once had I’ll believe and foresee Everything I could ever be For the heart I’ll never have For the child forever gone The music flows, because it longs For the heart I once had Time will not heal a Dead Boy’s scars Time will kill For the heart I’ll never have For the child forever gone The music flows, because it longs For the heart I once had [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  23. [align=center]"Whoever Brings The Night" We seduce the dark with pain and rapture Like two ships that pass in the night You and I, a whore and a bashful sailor Welcome to a sunrise of a dirty mind All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the one Whoever brings the night The Dark, created to hide the innocent white, the lust of night Eyes so bright, seductive lies Crimson masquerade where I merely played my part Poison dart of desire All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the one Whoever brings the night Choose a bride Tonight a fantasy for a zombie Hurt me, I love to suffer Your harem’s a dream for free Enter Suck from us and live forever Rotten beauty Will haunt you for a lifetime Come with me underwater And drown to despise me no more Unholy, unworthy My night is a dream for free All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the one Whoever brings the night [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  24. [align=center]"Sahara" A ballad of dark queen echoes through night As he flees the curse of gods, the pharaoh’s wrath 1001 nights unseen The philosopher and the queen Ancient mariner in a sea of sand The burning beauty his tomb to die for 1001 nights unseen The philosopher and the queen Horizon’s swarming with death Run! Heaven has a darkened face Dunes are soaring, as on a chase Caravan of the cursed Chasing him across the waves May he now rest under aegis of mirage As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields 1001 nights unseen The philosopher and the queen [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
  25. [align=center]"Eva" 6:30 winter morn Snow keeps falling, silent dawn A rose by any other name Eva leaves her Swanbrook home A kindest heart which always made Me ashamed of my own She walks alone but not without her name Eva flies away Dreams the world far away In this cruel children’s game There’s no friend to call her name Eva sails away Dreams the world far away The Good in her will be my sunflower field Mocked by man to depths of shame Little girl with life ahead For a memory of one kind word She would stay among the beasts Time for one more daring dream Before her escape, edenbeam We kill with her own loving heart Eva flies away Dreams the world far away In this cruel children’s game There’s no friend to call her name Eva sails away Dreams the world far away The Good in her will be my sunflower field [/align] Tłumaczenie -> KLIK __________ Jak rozumiesz utwór? Jego wybrany fragment lub całość? Może jest w nim jakaś wyjątkowa myśl, która jest dla Ciebie ważna?
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